Brand, identity, and process alignment services for individuals & businesses.

Living in alignment is all about living in your integrity. It’s what happens when the outside matches the inside, when attention matches priorities, and when action matches intention. And if you feel misaligned, I’m here to help.

a little about me…

I’ve always been a bit of a unicorn, never quite fitting into one category. I thought, hey, psychology is intriguing, design is magical, and business is a powerful vehicle for change. Just imagine the combination.

And as every artist does at one point, I spent the last decade drinking the Kool-Aid working in corporate America in a variety of design and strategy jobs for a Fortune 50 retailer.

Now, I work with retail businesses to hone their strategic and operational processes and unlock differentiated solutions. I help consumers learn how to by-pass trends and make informed purchases and decisions for themselves and their homes. And I also like to paint and take photos.

Feel free to look around and let me know if you have any questions.