Brianna and Cory were married on Bainbridge Island, WA in October. They wanted a day full of richness, warmth, elegance; Authentic & original. Below is the activation of their visual look book.
Wedding photography by Jenn Tai.
All rights reserved.

Brianna’s coloring is dark, medium temperature, and high contrast. This combination lends itself well to an autumn and winter palette. However, her now husband was quite the opposite. His coloring is light, cool, and medium contrast. This combination lends itself well to a summer palette. I think you can see the issue. They didn’t want either person having to compromise what worked best for them. So, I curated a bespoke palette using a cohesive combo of their personal palettes and translated this to all artifacts of the day: decor, flowers, groom’s suit and wedding party. We also had to consider the surrounding wooded area. See excerpts.

Matching Dress & Suit

Suit Selection

Combining Personal Palettes

Flower Arrangement

Flower Colors

Total Bride Palette

Groom & Groomsmen

Bride & Bridesmaids